Erin Schaden, Certified Divorce Coach © and Herring Law Group’s Executive Director, attended the February 2020 Annual Conference of the California Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ( in San Francisco. Yes, that now seems like a million years ago! HLG has always routinely participated in these cutting-edge events. We will resume our involvement after the public emergency recedes.
HLG is a member of the AFCC, which is the “interdisciplinary, international association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict.” It focuses on “serving the needs of children among those who work in and with family law systems, encouraging education, research and innovation and identifying best practices.” The AFCC narrowly focuses on children, custody, and parenting.
The Conference’s presenters included many of the nationally-prominent mental health and parenting/custody professionals with whom HLG regularly works.
The Conference focused on child custody and parenting professional’s never-ending need to accomplish difficult conversations. As the AFCC illuminated it, we are tasked with engaging in one after another with clients, counsel, experts, courts and even internal office staff. Part of our job is teaching parents how to communicate more effectively with each other for the benefit of their children. Of course, before we can begin to have those difficult conversations, we have to be willing to have them in the first place!
The Conference highlighted how difficult conversations can help create and strengthen relationships, even at their legal end. They can also lead to more empathy in our practices, in our client’s cases, and in their lives going forward. Though uncomfortable or charged, difficult conversations can initiate greater clarity and peace of mind in ourselves and those with whom we work.
This is Erin’s wheelhouse. It is exactly what we seek to achieve for HLG’s clients in their always-emotional custody and parenting disputes. With Erin’s input, we continue to develop strategies for improving our communications both within the firm, as well as with our clients, other counsel, consulting professionals, and the courts.
HLG is proud to actively update ourselves and our clients regarding these advanced professional topics. HLG remains a strong supporter of the AFCC. We thank Erin for her enthusiastic participation!