Tempus fugit. For five years, Herring Imming has been proud to call Taylor Fuller one of our tough, creative, and committed family law attorneys. From relative “rookie” then, to confident case leader now, she has developed impressive professional chops. Our clients have benefitted mightily. Taylor offers so much more. She is a proud and committed […]
Our Southern California Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers recently presented its eighth annual Trial Basics Seminar (“TBS”). Herring Law Group (Herring Imming’s predecessor) founded the program in 2015. It has become a major annual educational event for California’s family law community. We are pleased to continually host eager and focused family law […]
Herring Imming attorneys, Taylor Fuller and Victoria Diffenderfer, recently attended the Annual Conference of the California Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, held in San Francisco. The AFCC is the premier interdisciplinary and international association of professionals dedicated to the resolution of family conflict. Its members include many of the leading practitioners, […]
At year’s end, Santa Barbara Women Lawyers (https://www.sbwl.org) hosted another successful Annual Award Ceremony. Herring Imming attorneys, Taylor Fuller and Victoria Diffenderfer, attended. This annual gathering remains a distinguished occasion recognizing the remarkable individuals and organizations making strides in the Santa Barbara legal community. Established in 1998, SBWL is a nonprofit dedicated to championing the […]