HLG is pleased to welcome our fifth attorney, Taylor Fuller. When establishing ourselves in 2015 as a new family law firm in the 805, we never imagined growing so much and so quickly. That has never been the goal. Arriving at this point reflects how our unique “concierge level” service and excellent legal work have […]
The popular “Super Lawyers” publication periodically lists selected “Rising Star” attorneys who are acknowledged throughout the legal community as having particular promise. We are proud to announce that one of Herring Law Group’s attorneys, Cassandra Glanville, was recently named as one! Super Lawyers uses a patented multiphase selection process. Its objective is to create a credible, […]
Our AAML Southern California Chapter presented its fifth annual Family Law Trial Basics Seminar in Costa Mesa on April 26, 2019. As always, it was free to all 100 attendees, who came from all corners of Southern California – and beyond. This year’s TBS was better than ever. I am honored to remain its Dean. […]
Herring Law Group’s Executive Director, Erin Schaden, recently attended the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts’ (AFCCnet.org) Conference in Costa Mesa. HLG is a member of the AFCC, which is the “interdisciplinary, international association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict.” It focuses on “serving […]